Saturday, April 3, 2010

robotic arm manipulator

Built by efforts of Ninad Dhundur and Yugandhara Joshi.

Ths is a model of a arm manipulator,simply made out of wood and syringes!
it has an ability to lift things with four degree of freedom!
this is just a simple model i'v built.the real prototypes are much bigger and stronger and has ability to carry immensive loads!
it can pick an object and place into some other location!
this comes handy in case of delicate objects,and in condition where human hand cannot reach!
the robotic arm manipulators can be made with strong resistant materials which can reach into region of high temperature or poisonous or in some cases explosive!
it can be used to mobile any bomb found from one place to any open and safe place void of human population!this would cut back the risk of the bomb squad being hurt!there are many more applications to it!
the following video shows how it works!

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